
Here you will find reviews of my favorite movies peppered with interesting trivia.

Movies: The greatest magic trick ever invented.

Please click on the movie title to read the full review

One-line review: A “gangsta” gangster movie.

One-line review: A siesta awakens many.

One-line review: Work is worship.

One-line review: Awakening through sexual awakening.

One-line review: Oil makes the blood flow.

One-line review: Mobsters with hats and hearts.

One-line review: This Christopher Nolan’s bomb of a movie restores humanity.

One-line review: A man on the run for "a" life.

One-line review: Eternal friendships bloom in the Wild West.

One-line review: Finnish True Grit.

One-line review: Beauty of the Beast.

One-line review: The nice guy who doesn’t finish last despite the odds against him

One-line review: Engagements are meant to be broken, but not homes.

One-line review: Wuthering Heights emerged from Emily Brontë’s lows.

One-line review: Woody Allen’s bloodless coup with laughter.

One-line review: An abandoned baby rescues many adults.

One-line review: Your heart is the only compass you need to navigate through life. 

One-line review: Breaking up is hard to do, and take.

One-line review: A warm quilt expertly woven with all shades of emotions.

One-line review: A film about the time when royal drama meant bloodshed with swords.

One-line review: This anonymous “boy’s” coming of age story is universal.

One-line review: Well-aged wine in a charming new bottle, paired with some good cheese.

One-line review: A National Geographic edition on the Wild West's Coenesque inhabitants.

One-line review: A migrant worker also helps an English farmer find love.

One-line review: A talented folk singer's losing hustle to make it, thanks to mostly him getting in his way.

One-line review: Four middle-aged friends use alcohol to get back their high for living.

One-line review: This superlative comedy gets its laughs by being a sincere ode to the originals.

One-line review: Harry Dean Stanton plays mostly himself in his befitting last hurrah.

One-line review:  A drunk in love, Adam Sandler, packs a mean punch.

One-line review:  A buddy movie for the ages about hope and happy endings.

One-line review:  An adult coming of age story, aided by a kid.

One-line review:  An impressionist painting of love in the 70s. 

One-line review: A crackling comedy about Kerala’s rabid politics couched as a family drama.

One-line review: Bank robbers or Banks that rob their clients, who're the real criminals?